Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 1-Applesauce Bran Muffins

I have always wanted to start a blog but I have never been good at following through with anything. However, since the birth of my son, Bodhi, I have been thrown into situations that have forced me to change my ways. Now that I have finally adapted to staying at home instead of working, and I have learned how to deal with my postpartum, I decided that I want to continue this journey in an effort to become a better mom, healthier person, and a more dependable friend.

Cooking has never been my strong suit but I want Bodhi to be healthy so I tried making his baby food and now I experiment with recipes trying to find something he will eat. This kid hates everything. It is suprising that he is so big and so healthy. His female cousin, same age and half the size, eats her body weight at least in food every day. My son eats nothing and grows like a weed. Today I found a recipe on another mom's blog and thought I would give it a try. Low and behold he eats it with gusto. It's a healthy snack that I can give him when he finaly decides that he wants to eat. If you want to check out these Applesauce Bran Muffins here is the link, These are insanely easy to make and require ingredients that most people already have in their kitchens. Happy baking!

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